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Talk:Historical references in Shadow Hearts

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- Heh. You'll note below that I was worried about the original Goreme Valley comments, but's approach isn't remotely encylopedia worthy. As a concession, I added that the Turkish government denies the claims of genocide and referred to the article where that debate is actually taking place, but as an encylopedia... who do we go with, the historians or the government officials? According to the Soviet Union & T.D. Lysenko, Lamarck had the right idea and Watson & Crick were charlatans. We all see how trustworthy that turned out. SnowFire 04:59, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, this is a bit unorthodox for a page, but considering some of the more esoteric entries I've seen, I hope this falls within Wikipedia standards for encylopedianess.

Some things that I'd like to know: -Did Domremy ever fall to the Germans in real life? Domremy is on the Meuse river, so it was certainly near the front, and I found a random webpage that described American troops training there in late days of the war, but no comment on whether the French held it the whole time, or if it was eventually taken back.

-Does Apoina mean anything in Italian? I ran it through Google & Babelfish's translator, and got nothing. Neither wanted to translate Atonement either, although it seems "to atone" ends up with an extremely similar word that isn't Apoina.--SnowFire 04:28, 20 Oct 2004 (UTC)

-As a warning: The Armenian Genocide is kind of hard to present in a neutral point of view. I've done my best, but I must admit, I have nothing but contempt for Turks not honest enough to admit it happened with the gigantic pile of evidence saying that it did.--SnowFire 04:38, 20 Oct 2004 (UTC)

--What does the Armenian Genocide have to do with the game? Is it actually mentioned, or does every mention of Turkey demand treatment of the Armenian genocide? --Hashshashin 04:13, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]